PIERI® architectural precast portfolio
Creating and protecting architectural finishes through best-in-class products that reduce labour and risk
The PIERI® Architectural Precast Portfolio includes high-quality products such as in-form surface retarders, release agents and finish protectors that provide beautiful, consistent, long-lasting architectural finishes. Other finishing techniques, such as sandblasting and acid-etching, are labour intensive, hazardous and can produce inconsistent results. When you replace old finishing techniques with PIERI® Architectural Products, the result is a higher-quality finish that saves time, and lasts longer.
More Consistent Finish, Less Labour
Architectural precast typically receives some form of processing treatment such as sandblasting or acid-etching it in order to achieve a desired finish. PIERI® in-form surface retarders provide better options to accomplish these. Precasters can create multiple etch depths, including very light acid-etch or sandblast finishes within a single piece, and simply power wash off the next day. This provides a more consistent finish and eliminates the danger from acid-etching and sandblasting.
Protect finishes from yard transit and site staining
Precast concrete can take a lot of abuse, but its finish can't. Conditions in the yard, during shipping or onsite can stain and discolour finishes that then require expensive rework. For these circumstances, PIERI® Finish Protectors provide stable, long-lasting finish protection. These acrylic-based products are able to be applied on damp and freshly demoulded precast and do not alter the colour or finish.
Demould beauty, every time
Bugholes are an unsightly, and often unacceptable, surface defect that can require rework, wasting time and money. The PIERI® product portfolio includes innovative form release agents and coatings that allow for better looking finishes. These products are available for wood, steel and even polyurethane formliners.
Reduce bugholes and rework, replace sandblasting and acid-etching, and protect finishes from staining and discoloration. The PIERI® Architectural Precast Portfolio lets precasters do all these things and more.