Product Description
DARATARD® 1000 set-retarding admixture is a ready-to-use aqueous solution of chemical compounds specifically designed to retard cement hydration. DARATARD® 1000 is typically added to the concrete mix at the time of batching. The ingredients are factory pre-mixed in exact proportions under strict quality control to provide uniform results. One litre weights approximately 1.10kg. DARATARD® 1000 complies to AS1478.1-2000 as a Type Re.
DARATARD® 1000 is recommended for all types of concrete requiring additional retardation, such as:
- Tremie mixes
- Spraying applications
- Long life concrete
DARATARD® 1000 is ideal for use in applications where additional retardation is required to extend the workability of the concrete. It provides flexibility in many applications requiring long retardation periods.
DARATARD® 1000 can be used with sprayed concrete. An accelerator added at the spray nozzle will reverse the stabilisation effect of DARATARD® 1000. GCP Applied Technologies recommends the use of TYTRO® SA 530 or TYTRO® SA 535 alkali-free accelerator.
Admixture Compatibility
DARATARD® 1000 is compatible with concrete admixtures from GCP Applied Technologies and other types of concrete admixtures.
Dosage Levels
Addition rates for DARATARD® 1000 will typically range, depending on
application and circumstances, as follows:
- Tremie mixes
100 - 300mL / 100kg
- Spray applications
200 - 500mL / 100kg
- Long life concrete
100 - 500mL / 100kg
The amount to be used will depend upon the degree of additional retardation required under job conditions. Longer delivery times or higher temperatures will require higher addition rates. Conversely, the addition rate will be lower for shorter extensions of time. Addition levels should be reviewed with you local GCP representative.
Pre-project trials should be completed in all new applications.
Dispensing Equipment
Please contact your local GCP representative for further information regarding the dispensing equipment for this product.
DARATARD® 1000 is available in bulk and 205L drums. The product will begin to freeze at about -2°C, but will return to full strength after thawing and thorough agitation.
Health and Safety
See Material Safety Data Sheet or consult GCP Applied Technologies.