GCP Expert Will Present Study on Manufactured Sand in Concrete at Thai Conference

More and more, GCP Applied Technologies' scientists and technical experts have observed the use of manufactured sand over natural sand, as a fine aggregate in ready-mixed concrete.

THE PRIMARY REASON: Environmental concerns have made what remains of available natural sand resources an economically unviable option for the concrete producer.

It's important to note, however, that crushed stone fines and quarry dust alternatives are more abundant, but lack quality. GCP has, therefore, published a paper entitled, "Issues with, and Admixture Solutions for, the Use of Manufactured Sand in Concrete", to study the introduction of GCP concrete admixtures into mixes to achieve a higher quality concrete with manufactured sand.

GCP tech expert Dr. Jiabiao Jiang will present the study at the Thai Concrete Association conference, in Bangkok, Feb. 15-17, 2017. The conference's theme is "Innovative Concrete for the Future of Construction Material".

An excerpt from the paper reads: "The key idea is to develop admixtures with enhanced water reduction capacity to compensate for the increase in water demand and rheology modification to improve the pumpability and finishability of concrete mixes with manufactured sand so that they work just as well as concrete with natural sand".

To read the entire study, you can download the paper below.


  • Cement additives
  • Concrete
  • Concrete admixtures
  • In the News
  • Precast
  • Ready Mix